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Events Season 1
First Light Banquette
First Light Banquette
Location: Viennese, France
Date: Winter of 1558
In Attendance: King Henry

Queen Catherine
Queen Mary
Prince Francis
Lord Castleroy
Lady Lola
Lady Kenna
Philipe Nardin
Greer Norwood
Leith Bayard (Servant)

Episode: The Darkness
Description: Courtship and love

First Light Banquette is an opportunity for people to find their mates. It operates in the following way: if an attraction takes place, the man offers the woman a candle. If the woman feels the same way, she lights it and leaves it in her window. From there the man can see it and know that the flame of love burns.

During the Event[]

Everyone was at the First Light Banquette. Lady Kenna immediately went to find Queen Catherine to tell her the news. Kenna interrupted Catherine who she was talking to and told her that they needed to talk.

Lola and Mary were discussing Lola's future suitors. Mary tells Lola that Philipe Nardin would be a good match. That they should get married quickly, and they can fall in love after. Lola thinks it’s a well enough idea and after some encouragement from Mary goes over and talks to him.

While Mary was watching them, a servant girl offered her some food, a Parma granted tart. Wanting to be helpful, she tells Mary that her sister ate 10 a day of those snack foods and within a month was pregnant. Francis, seeing that this would make his wife uncomfortable, intervened, shooing the girl off. He told Mary that the servant girl just wanted to see them happy and pregnant. As both their nations did. Francis then asks his wife for a dance.

Lola is being courted by Philipe Nardin, as they leave the party and walk down a dimly lit hallway. They make small talk, and Lola expresses she sometimes envy’s the people outside the castle walls who are able to live free. He apologizes and there can be no time for romance and states quite frankly that he likes her and finds her attractive. He says he has put off getting married for too long, and now his inheritance rests on it. He more or less promises that they can get married, and then get to know each other after. He promises that he actually is quite a romantic in real life, and already comes across as a very kind and gentle man. He then offers Lola his candle and she accepts. Lola tells him to look for it in her window later.

Greer is looking around for potential suitors. Leith approaches her and tells her that he has an invitation for her. She scolds him and tells him that this isn't the place. He says it's not from him, but the same person who was inquiring about her has had a table set for two.

At a more quiet dinner alone Greer is surprised to see Lord Castleroy. Leith waits on them. Lord Castleroy asks Greer if she'd noticed anything different about him. She says that he's changed his hair and is now clean-shaven. Both are true, he informs her that he has no peppers. He apologized promising that there was more to him that what occupied his person life. He requested Leith pour more wine as he continues talking. While Lord cucumbers confessing his feelings Greer tells him that he’s has caught fire. The flame from the candle catches on his sleeves and quickly grows bigger. With quick thinking, Leith grabbed a blanket and puts out his arm. After making sure Lord Castleroy is okay Greer asks about Leith. Not wanting to blow Greer's chances, he downplayed his affections, saying he would've done it for anyone.


  • Prince Francis gave a candle to Queen Mary.
  • Lord Castleroy gave a candle to Greer Norwood.
  • Count Philipe Nardin gave a candle to Lady Lola.